Tuesday, July 30, 2024

London Underground maintenance depot Hammersmith.


From the internet, a triple crossing in Richmond, Virginia, is believed to be the only place in North America where three Class I railroads cross at different levels at the same spot.


The NMBS/SNCB Type 12 was a class of 4-4-2 steam locomotives built in 1938-1939 for the fast lightweight Ostend boat trains operated by the National Railway Company of Belgium. These locomotives were designed by engineer Raoul Notesse, based on the successful 4-4-4 "Jubilee" semi-streamlined locomotives of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Type 12 locomotives were produced by Socit anonyme John Cockerill at Seraing, near Lige. The Type 12 locomotives were primarily used for the fast, relatively lightweight boat trains on the 124 km (77 mi) journey between Brussels and Ostend, with speeds of 120-140 km/h (75-87 mph). They were also utilized on Brussels-Lige expresses and on various routes during World War II, including Brussels-Ostend, Lontzen/ Herbesthal, and Lille trains. For most of their careers, the Type 12 locomotives were assigned to Schaerbeek, near Brussels. However, they were eventually withdrawn from service on September 27, 1962. It's worth noting that one locomotive, No. 12.004, was preserved by the NMBS/SNCB and brought back to running order for the 150th anniversary of railways in Belgium in 1985. In summary, the NMBS/SNCB Type 12 steam locomotives were in service from 1938-1939 until their withdrawal on September 27 1962


Bulleid light pacific, the West Country and Battle of Britain class No. 34017 'Ilfracombe'. Built 1945 and worked until 1966. Withdrawn.


German DRG class SVT 137.